Rev. Fr. Francis Nusi

Our Mission
We, the Parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe, will enthusiastically promote the reign of God in our Community and the world by:
- Preaching the Good News of Salvation
- Building an Earthly Kingdom of Love, Justice, Mercy and Peace
- Fostering Prayer and Worship
- Educating our Children
- Providing Involvement for the Laity

Mass Times/Eucharistic Celebrations

Faith Formation/Youth

Weekly Bulletins

Recognized as patron saint of drug addicts, prisoners, families, and the pro-life movement. He was a Catholic priest and a Conventual Franciscan Friar. His Feast Day is August 14.

SCRIP is sold after weekend masses, or in Parish Office. SCRIP-TO-GO Order forms are in church lobby, or DOWNLOAD BELOW.